Dr. Jerry Weber, ND

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“We Are All In This Bowl Of Soup Together”

United we stand. Divided we fall.🙏🙏🙏

Just the other day I was asked, “why are so many people mad and hateful.” It is a good question. I have been cussed out and given the ultimate finger of stupidity two times in just the last few weeks for doing something someone else didn’t like. Once I was driving too slow. The other was I parked my car supposedly wrong. Who cares, except for people who are just either angry or ignorant.

All of us can find many reasons to be angry, but how is it going to help? We know it doesn’t feel good. It never solves the problem and usually makes the problem worst. Instead of looking at the worst in people focus on what is good. Sometimes it might not be easy but do as Jesus taught us to do. Look at everybody as just another one of God’s creations - no matter how screwed up they are😜

