Meditation - The Connection

‘Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

The instructions are clear. Be still. It sounds easy but is it really? Meditation is the practice of developing the ability to slow our minds down to a peaceful and restful state.

But, why is meditation so important? I ask my students and patients “do you control your mind or does your mind control you?” In most cases the mind is winning with its constant onslaught of negative self-talk. This “monkey chatter” is ongoing and stops a person from hearing the “inner silent voice.” This quiet whisper by your soul can only be heard when your mind is not racing. The way to slow down the racing mind is meditate.

Invest 15 minutes per day for meditation by getting comfortable, closing your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Don’t give up after a few attempts. Continue the practice and you will feel the benefit of meditation.🙏❤️😎

Jerry Weber