Do You Believe???

“If we believe in Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Galatians 5:25

To understand intuition we must not only think or believe their is a higher power of intelligence, but we must KNOW there is this inner guidance system that never fails us. This God-given gift is in each and everyone of us but some of you don’t believe.

You must know that this all-knowing energy is the Spirit of God’s energy that is deep within every cell of our bodies. This Spirit is everywhere and everything. It’s not there some times and not there other times. It is always there - if we take the time to listen to it’s wisdom and then believe it enough to follow its direction. The Spirit within you will never fail you. It will never let you down or tell you wrong. It is only focused on love and helping you find your way on your path of soul development.

Trust it. Follow it. Become friends. It will be the best friend you have ever had. You now have a friend in Jesus🙏❤️😎

Jerry Weber